Xiaomi 12 series sets 15 display records or one

Xiaomi 12 series

The new models of the Xiaomi 12 series have been official in Germany since yesterday. And when it comes to the display, the manufacturer has probably installed the best of the best, if you look at the results of the experts at DisplayMate. Because the Xiaomi 12 series sets 15 display records or one.

The Xiaomi 12, Xiaomi 12 Pro and Xiaomi 12X get the top grade A+ from DisplayMate. But that's nothing special these days. But the models set a whole series of new records or set old ones.

The Xiaomi 12 and Xiaomi 12 Pro in particular have particularly good results here. The Xiaomi 12 Pro impresses with its particularly high resolution (3,200 x 1,440 pixels), the very precise color reproduction and the maximum brightness of 1,541 nits (Low APL). The Xiaomi 12 is also praised for its very good color reproduction.

But the Xiaomi 12X is in no way inferior to its bigger brothers and also breaks a few records. If you want more detailed information, you can find the individual test reports from DisplayMate in the reference.

DisplayMate ( 1 | 2 | 3 )

The post Xiaomi 12 series sets 15 display records or one appeared first on xiaomist's blog .


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