Telekom and Vodafone celebrate huge success: cooperation against dead spots works

Telekom and Vodafone celebrate huge success: cooperation against dead spots works

Telekom and Vodafone have set themselves the goal of improving the mobile network in Germany. That's why an important partnership was formed more than a year ago, because the network is simply shared where you can't set up radio towers yourself. Now you are celebrating a great success and want to stick to the strategy - to the delight of mobile phone customers.

Telekom and Vodafone work together to plug dead spots

While many larger cities now offer very good network coverage, there are still dead spots and "grey spots" where you simply have no or very poor reception with certain mobile phone providers. The same applies to network coverage on motorways. One network operator alone cannot handle all this, so Telekom and Vodafone have joined forces - with success (source: Telekom).

Of the 3,000 "grey spots" in total, 2,000 were closed in just over a year. Rural regions are particularly affected. According to Telekom, the cooperation is running at full speed, so that the project can be further advanced and another 1,000 "grey spots" can soon be closed. To do this, Telekom and Vodafone simply share the network. Everyone releases a number of mobile radio stations for the other in the corresponding areas and can use the same number elsewhere .

Telekom praises the cooperation with Vodafone very much. Ultimately , customers benefit massively from this . Because if you only had good reception at one point with Telekom or Vodafone, this is most likely no longer the case, because you can simply use the other network.

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What is actually with o2 in the partnership?

When we wrote about the cooperation between mobile network operators in January 2021, o2 was still there. Telekom does not mention o2. It is not known if there is still a collaboration. Customers in the o2 network should therefore not benefit. The expansion of the networks at Telekom and Vodafone continues unhindered. So you cooperate where it makes sense, but basically continue to expand the networks yourself.


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