OnePlus Nord Smartwatch is said to be planned

OnePlus Watch

OnePlus is rumored to be expanding its Nord series into the wearables space with a pair of Nord-branded wireless earbuds. Now there is initial information about a possible OnePlus Nord smartwatch, which is also in the works.

There are early indications that the OnePlus Nord Smartwatch will be launched in the coming months. It is supposed to be an inexpensive model, which should only cost a little more than the equivalent of EUR 100.00.

The Nord-branded smartwatch is expected to offer most of the key features of the OnePlus Watch, including a color touchscreen, heart rate and blood oxygen sensors, and activity and sleep tracking. There should also be the usual Bluetooth functions such as push notifications and media control via a paired smartphone.

There is no information yet on what the Nord clock looks like or what its technical specifications are. Presumably there will be information about this soon.


The post OnePlus Nord smartwatch is said to be planned appeared first on xiaomist's blog .


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