Honor s next smartphone will be presented on March 29th

Honor event

Up to this point, Honor's major new launches worldwide have been the flagship Honor 50 (Pro) and the Honor Magic 4 series, which, unlike Huawei, can now also offer Google Play services. However, the upper mid-range and flagships aren't the best devices to grab market share. As a rule, the market share is expanded in the entry-level segment.

With the upcoming X series, which will be presented worldwide on March 29, 2022, Honor finally wants to penetrate the entry-level market. The manufacturer has now officially announced this.

The news comes from the official Honor website, where the company states that the brand is ready to "break new ground" in the global market. The website does not reveal which products will be presented, but Honor is already promoting the event on March 29 as the launch event of the Honor X series.

We can probably expect the Honor X9 5G, Honor X8 and Honor X7 models. So far, however, neither the specifications nor the design of the models are known. Let us surprise ourselves.


The post Honor's next smartphone will be presented on March 29 appeared first on xiaomist's blog .


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