{Disarmed} Xiaomi tests the power of the software with a substantial improvement of the sound in the headphones

Xiaomi tests the power of the software with a substantial improvement of the sound in the headphones

MIUI is one of the most popular customization layers on the market . Now, despite the fact that it is already a very complete software, Xiaomi is always working on making it even more so.

Richer sound for headphones

An example of this is that in the latest MIUI beta, Xiaomi has included an option through which the software is responsible for enriching the depth of the sound in the headphones.

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This option has been added to the sound effects section, whose section was already present in the device settings. Keep in mind that this functionality will start automatically when it detects connected headphones and music is playing.

Keep in mind that it is not compatible with 5.1 sound . At the moment, the company has included this functionality in the latest daily MIUI beta of MIUI 13 in China.


If it finally gives good results, it will probably be maintained and we will end up enjoying this new functionality in the stable version, yes, we will have to be patient because it is a process that is not usually fast.

Why do my headphones sound under my Xiaomi mobile?
In xiaomist
Why do my headphones sound under my Xiaomi mobile?

More information | MIUIES

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The news Xiaomi tests the power of the software with a substantial improvement of the sound in the headphones was originally published in xiaomist by Alejandro Fernández .


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