{Disarmed} I have removed the battery percentage of my Xiaomi and I have gained peace of mind (and also save energy)

I have removed the battery percentage of my Xiaomi and I have gained peace of mind (and also save energy)

We are surrounded by information, crammed with data: emails and business calls , the WhatsApp icon in red with all those pending read notices, the buzz of a missed call, a Twitter thread that is going viral, a work email that it came in after hours... honestly, do we need all this?

In order to reduce this clutter, I began to hide icons , then I began to block applications —and uninstall those that I only used very occasionally, in favor of the web versions—.

And the last step has been to remove the information from the battery icon on the taskbar. Without that impertinent number I feel calmer. I can't say that my stress has disappeared, but knowing at all times if I have a 45 or 78% battery doesn't help me either.

Remaining battery percentage doesn't tell you anything you don't already know


Digital wellbeing starts with taking the stress out of thinking about how much battery you have left. Total, this one will run out the same. In addition, removing this data is very simple, you just have to follow these steps:

  • Go into ' Settings '.
  • Scroll down to the ' Notifications and Control Center ' section
  • Now tap on the ' Status bar ' section.
  • In this new window there is an option called ' Battery indicator ', it is this.
  • Although we cannot hide it completely, we can remove the number and opt for a cleaner and more minimal representation , leaving only the battery icon.
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We have already verified the importance of knowing the bad habits that damage the battery, including being aware of the charge and discharge cycles that we have had since we launched our mobile, but in our day to day none of this will affect us —or should not— in the way we in which we use the mobile.

Obviously, if you have been using your mobile for a while, nobody knows it better than you , and you are perfectly aware of the usual load it has after certain tasks. Why obsess over specific parameters, if in the end we always tend to use the same routines?

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With the simpler and more intuitive icon, we will have more than enough. The percentage is just a number, an estimate, and both the Android operating system and the MIUI customization layer already provide a lot of information if we overload the mobile or if the battery is running dry .

Fewer notifications, more peace of mind


In fact, as an extra feature, I have also chosen to vent battery consumption notifications. Interestingly, this functionality will save you a few minutes of daily autonomy . If you want to remove them you just have to follow this route:

  • Go into ' Settings '.
  • Now scroll down to the ' Battery and Performance ' option.
  • Within this new window, if you tap on the settings cogwheel you will see a new security section.
  • And in this window you just have to scroll down to the ' Additional settings ' and uncheck the ' Notifications of battery consumption ' function.
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Now yes, with these two little "tricks" you will surely gain extra peace of mind . In the end, it is about eliminating the accessory, as they say, cleaning what does not contribute or is simply irrelevant in our day to day life.

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The news I have removed the battery percentage of my Xiaomi and I have gained peace of mind (and also save energy) was originally published in xiaomist by Isra Fdez .


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