{Disarmed} Give your mobile a different touch and release the wallpapers of the Xiaomi 12

Give your mobile a different touch and release the wallpapers of the Xiaomi 12

Xiaomi usually includes new wallpapers with its most important releases , or screen backgrounds, in order to get the full potential of the panel and make it look great. Here's how you can download them.

First of all, you should know that despite the fact that they are wallpapers that are included in the Xiaomi 12 and 12 Pro , they are compatible with all types of devices, even those that go beyond Xiaomi, since they are images in JPEG format.

There are 12 different wallpapers that have two different designs, but within these styles we can choose between the different color variants to be able to choose the one that we like the most.

{"videoId":"x892cyv","autoplay":true,"title":"XIAOMI 12 PRO ANÁLISIS tras primera toma de contacto - El gran contrincante para la GAMA ALTA"}

How to download Xiaomi 12 wallpapers


To have the Xiaomi 12 wallpapers on your device, you just have to follow these steps:

  • Click on this link .
  • Choose the one you like the most and download it.
  • Once downloaded you must click on the notification and save it in Gallery.
  • Finally, open the file in " Gallery " or " Photos " and set it as wallpaper.
These are the most notable differences between the Xiaomi 12X, Xiaomi 12 and 12 Pro
In xiaomist
These are the most notable differences between the Xiaomi 12X, Xiaomi 12 and 12 Pro

As you can see, the instructions are very simple and allow anyone to enjoy the latest wallpapers on their Xiaomi mobile.

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The news Give your mobile a different touch and debut the wallpapers of the Xiaomi 12 was originally published in xiaomist by Alejandro Fernández .


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