Android 13 renders extremely popular apps completely useless

Android 13 renders extremely popular apps completely useless

Google released the second developer version of Android 13 and introduced some new features and many improvements there. One of them makes popular apps superfluous because Google simply integrates the feature directly into the operating system.

Google integrates QR code scanner into Android 13

In recent years, it has happened again and again that Google has simply integrated popular functions of apps directly into the operating system. That's exactly what's happening again with Android 13. QR code scanners are among the most popular free Android apps on the Play Store. The number of downloads for developers will soon drop noticeably, because with Android 13 this function will be integrated directly into the quick settings . If you want to scan a QR code, all you have to do is pull down the quick settings, start the function and scan the QR code.

As usual, Google orientates itself on other manufacturers who have already integrated this function in their interfaces. The best example is Samsung with One UI 4.1, which is currently running on the Samsung Galaxy S22. Here you can also start the QR code scanner directly via the quick settings. Other manufacturers may have already implemented this. But if Google integrates it directly into Android 13, other manufacturers could adopt this feature and make QR code apps in the Google Play Store really sweat .

What makes Google's Pixel smartphones so unique:

Other innovations in Android 13

In addition to the integration of the QR code scanner in the quick settings, Google has integrated many other practical innovations (source: Google). You will now be asked if you want to receive notifications. The screen saver and media player have been optimized. Also, there are a lot of small changes in settings or how to affect certain things. In addition, the power button can now be reached more easily via the quick settings. There are just a lot of little things that should improve the operation of the smartphone .

Developers can now test the new features of Android 13. End users should at least wait for the first public preview, which is expected in a few weeks. Then at least the worst errors should be eliminated.


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