Amazon Prime is at a disadvantage: Fantasy blockbusters only on Netflix

Amazon Prime is at a disadvantage: Fantasy blockbusters only on Netflix

The third part of the Fantastic Beasts series will start in German cinemas in April. If you want to see parts 1 and 2 quickly beforehand, you will get nothing from Amazon Prime from now on, but you can still find what you are looking for at Netflix.

There are still no new films from the Harry Potter series, fans are enjoying the time until a possible comeback with the Fantastic Beasts series and the adventures of the wizard Newt Scamander - after all, everything plays in the same film universe. Good to know: Fantastic Beasts: Secrets of Dumbledore Part 3 hits local theaters on April 15th.

On Netflix, no longer on Amazon Prime: Fantastic Beasts Parts 1 and 2

The second part from 2018 ("Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald") could still be viewed on Amazon Prime Video until March 20, but it has now been removed from the program. On the other hand, we can still find it on its competitor Netflix (watch it on Netflix). But not only that, but also the first part from 2016 ("Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them") we can still stream there (watch it on Netflix).

The trailer sets the mood for this fantastic film:

Ergo: Anyone who has missed the start so far still has the opportunity to catch up with Netflix and can then marvel at and enjoy the third part of the Fantastic Beasts series in the cinema with the full picture.

How do the two films fare?

Speaking of enjoying, how good have the previous two films actually been? To be honest it's a bit mixed, at least in the end. "Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald" scores 6.5 out of 10 on IMDb - good average. The professional critics at Rotten Tomatoes see this a little more critically, because they award only 36 percent on the tomatometer, so the film fails. The audience was not entirely enthusiastic either, with 54 percent approval. So the hopes are on part 3 in the cinema.

We also have one or two tips on Netflix:

The first part was even better. "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" achieves a good 7.3 out of 10 points on the IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes also showed a positive impression - 74 percent positive critics from the professionals and even 79 percent audience approval. You can now see both parts on Netflix, but not on Amazon Prime in the streaming flat rate.


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