Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra: You can safely save yourself these expensive accessories

Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra: You can safely save yourself these expensive accessories

Samsung recently introduced three new high-end smartphones that have some special features. However, Samsung no longer includes the accessories that you used to get. An important question arises, especially when it comes to the power supply unit. Should you get an expensive 45-watt power adapter for the Galaxy S22 Ultra – or is the cheaper 25-watt power adapter sufficient? That question has now been answered.

Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra: Is the 45-watt power supply worth it?

While Chinese manufacturers fully charge their smartphones with up to 120 watts in just a few minutes, Samsung is installing a 45-watt charging function in its new flagship smartphone, the Galaxy S22 Ultra. A power pack is not included. Is it worth buying the 50-euro power supply or is the 25-watt power supply sufficient for 20 euros? This is exactly what SamMobile has now investigated - with surprising results .

Anyone who thinks that the Galaxy S22 Ultra with the 5,000 mAh battery charges almost twice as fast with a 45-watt power adapter as with a 25-watt power adapter is wrong. The difference is minimal. In 20 minutes, the smartphone was charged to 45 percent with the 45-watt adapter, while the 25-watt adapter charged the smartphone to 39 percent in the same time. In the end, the full charge with the 25-watt power supply took just four minutes longer than with the 45-watt power supply.

Charging times of the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra:

25 watt charger: 1 hour, 3 minutes and 14 seconds 45 watt charger: 1 hour, 7 minutes and 27 seconds

SamMobile is very disappointed with the charging speed of the Galaxy S22 Ultra. The difference is just too small that buying a 45 watt charger for more than twice the price of the 25 watt charger is basically not worth it. You save a few minutes, but not as much as it should be.

competition is far superior to Samsung

As mentioned above, the competition from Samsung loads noticeably faster. Xiaomi installs 120 watt charging technology in the 11T Pro (for testing), with which the smartphone is fully charged in less than 20 minutes . And Xiaomi includes the appropriate power supply unit free of charge. So Samsung has to step up here, because the rates are very disappointing in a high-end smartphone.


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