Android 12: Google puts the thumbscrews on manufacturers

Android 12: Google puts the thumbscrews on manufacturers

With Android 12, Google introduced an operating system some time ago that has some innovations. From time to time, Google decides to make some of the innovations mandatory for manufacturers. That's what's supposed to happen soon. It is about the optics of the smartphones and tablets. The specification will probably also apply to Android 12L.

Android 12: Google makes dynamic themes mandatory

Google wants to make the look of all Android smartphones and tablets customizable. With Android 12, Google introduced "Material You" to its Pixel phones. The design of the Android interface adapts to the background image on the start screen. Depending on which color contains the largest proportion, the rest is adjusted to it. However, you can still intervene manually to select an accent color yourself. These dynamic themes are set to become mandatory in Android 12 and Android 12L from March 14 (source: Android Police).

Google calls the project "Monet". According to the whistleblower, manufacturers such as Xiaomi and Motorola have already started to implement the customization . So in future versions of Android 12 and Android 12L you will get a dynamic look on your smartphone. Samsung already uses a similar technology in One UI 4.0 with Android 12. It is not yet known whether Samsung will also have to integrate "Monet" when new Android 12 updates appear in the future.

All manufacturers who want to use Google's services in Android will have to bow to the change. In the past, for example, manufacturers were instructed to introduce a "Security & Emergency" area. In this case, however, it is about the look, which was actually reserved for the pixel smartphones. Google probably wants to ensure some consistency with Android devices here, although you get different designs with interfaces like MIUI from Xiaomi or One UI from Samsung anyway.

Here's how Samsung has already built in adaptability:

Android 12L: Google's new tablet operating system

With Android 12L, Google recently announced a special operating system for devices with large screens. This should include tablets and folding cell phones. Here, Google would like to finally offer a specially adapted operating system. So far, manufacturers have had to adapt their own interfaces for such devices.


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