AirTags without speakers: easy game for stalkers

AirTags without speakers: easy game for stalkers

"Silent" AirTags with the speaker off have popped up on eBay and Etsy. It is feared that Apple's small tracking devices could be used for stalking even more easily. The modified AirTags have since been removed from the platforms.

Again and again there is criticism when it comes to Apple's AirTags. According to the manufacturer, the mini-format tracking devices should actually help to find lost objects such as backpacks or wallets – or even cats. In practice, however, AirTags have also been used to monitor other people or vehicles . A new case from the USA shows that AirTags' integrated security mechanisms can be overridden.

AirTags without speakers offered on eBay and Etsy

Modified AirTags have reportedly been put up for sale on eBay and Etsy. Apparently, the provider "JTEE3D" opened it up in order to switch off the integrated loudspeaker or to remove it completely. The speaker is actually intended to alert owners to the AirTag if the distance increases. Without sound, the small device would be even better for stalking, they say.

The Etsy listings are now gone. Previously, the "silent" AirTags were said to have been offered in the USA for the equivalent of around 68 euros (source: PCMag). Apple itself sells AirTags for 35 euros.

This is what the small AirTags from Apple can do:

"Silent" AirTags: Seller does not understand the problem

According to the provider "JTEE3D", it was he who removed the modified AirTags from Etsy. He doesn't feel guilty : "With this change, I wanted to meet the numerous requests from buyers who were interested in my other AirTag product and wanted to add an AirTag to their bikes, pets and power tools."


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