From consumer protection: every child should have this app on their smartphone

From consumer protection: every child should have this app on their smartphone

The German Consumer Protection Foundation has published an app especially for children and young people. With Budget + plus, they should learn how to handle their pocket money better. The digital budget book is available free of charge and free of advertising for Android and iOS.

Budget + plus: financial education with the pocket money app

Pocket money is the first encounter with the world of finance for children. In order to learn how to use it correctly, the German Consumer Protection Foundation has now published its own app for Android smartphones and iPhones. It is an easy-to-read budget book that should be worthwhile even for small amounts. There is no advertising and the app itself is also available free of charge. Budget + plus should also be worthwhile for young people.

The aim of the app is to "bring the temptations of everyday life into a financial context" and also to point out the "sometimes opaque practices" in payment processes. Managing director Julia Marg believes that those who learn how to handle their own finances early on will be better protected against over-indebtedness later in life . Among other things, you can define your own savings goals and spending limits in the app.

More about Budget + plus in the official video:

Unlike other similar apps, which are aimed exclusively at adults, Budget + plus was developed together with children and young people . Teachers also contributed to the conception. The use is not only intended within the family, but also in the classroom. A separate manual has been drawn up for each of the two applications.

The app is available here in the Play Store and App Store:

Pocket money app without financial self-interest

The announcement states that the app was developed with no commercial ulterior motive . So there won't be a "Pro version" with more functions. Budget + plus's data protection should also meet the "highest standards" (source: German Consumer Protection Foundation).


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