{Disarmed} Xiaomi updates the Xiaomi 11T Pro and fixes one of its most annoying problems

Xiaomi updates the Xiaomi 11T Pro and fixes one of its most annoying problems

The proximity sensor is one of the headaches that many users suffer with their Xiaomi mobile. As we mentioned during the analysis of the Xiaomi 11T Pro , listening to audios was really annoying , since the sensor did not work correctly and it caused that when you had it in your ear the audio was played through the multimedia speaker and vice versa.

An update with experience improvements

Xiaomi seems to have noticed the failure and has begun to roll out an MIUI update in which this and other small system bugs are corrected. Specifically, it corresponds to version . It is already being deployed in Europe, so if you have this model, you will receive it very soon.

{"videoId":"x847rqi","autoplay":true,"title":"17 TRUCOS de MIUI 12 ¡DOMINA tu nuevo XIAOMI!"}

It weighs approximately 484 mb , a considerable size for the limited length of the update notes, but it fixes various bugs that improve the experience.


At the moment, it seems that it is only reaching the Pro version and not the normal 11T , although it is likely that another similar update will begin to be rolled out in order to improve the optimization of the system.

To check if our smartphone has an update available, you just have to go to Settings and select "Device information" . There the MIUI version will appear and if there is a recent version available.

Xiaomi does not forget its Redmi Note 9 and it can already install MIUI 12.5 Enhanced Global
In xiaomist
Xiaomi does not forget its Redmi Note 9 and it can already install MIUI 12.5 Enhanced Global
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The news Xiaomi updates the Xiaomi 11T Pro and solves one of its most annoying problems was originally published in xiaomist by Alejandro Fernández .


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