Xiaomi launches its best smart lock: it has up to an AMOLED screen

Again Xiaomi returns to surprise us with another interesting product for the home. This time it is the Xiaomi Face Recognition Smart Door Lock X , a smart lock that becomes the most advanced in the company's catalog.

Unlike other models offered by the company, this new smart lock has a 3D facial recognition system provided by several cameras . This allows you not only to actuate more quickly, but also to obtain a more accurate and safe recognition.

A smart lock with AMOLED screen and a large battery

In addition, as a great novelty, Xiaomi Face Recognition Smart Door Lock X adds a small AMOLED screen that allows us to see our face or view the general state of the lock and its current autonomy.

Xiaomi lanza su mejor cerradura inteligente: cuenta con hasta pantalla AMOLED. Noticias Xiaomi A

Likewise, its battery is remarkable compared to other models. The capacity of this reaches 6,250mAh , thus providing a fairly long autonomy in time of more than half a year.

Xiaomi launches its best smart lock: it has up to an AMOLED screen. News Xiaomi Xiaomi launches its best smart lock: it has up to an AMOLED screen. News Xiaomi

Beyond what is seen, the new Xiaomi Face Recognition Smart Door Lock X has up to 8 unlocking systems (NFC, PIN, Bluetooth, key, fingerprint, facial recognition, etc.) and also has support for Xiaomi Home and Apple HomeKit .

Its launch will take place on October 12 , the date on which its price will be discovered. Of course, to date none of these smart locks have officially left China although we can probably buy them through AliExpress.

The entrance Xiaomi launches its best smart lock: it has up to an AMOLED screen, it was published first in xiaomist: Xiaomi news and news website .


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