{Disarmed} Google Pixel 6 Pro: First camera samples surfaced [Video]

Google Pixel 6 Pro Silver

Now the first photo and video samples of the upcoming Google Pixel 6 Pro have appeared. These were recorded with a prototype of the model and offer a first look at the camera upgrades to be expected for the upcoming Google cell phone.

Google chose a different tactic when marketing the Pixel 6 series this year. In the USA and Japan, the new Google Phones are already being advertised on a large scale. This has never been seen before in this mass. And many leaks in advance had already revealed the first details about the equipment of the devices.

Last month, This is Tech Today shared a hands-on video on YouTube of the Pixel 6 Pro with a prototype model of Google's upcoming flagship. Thanks to the same source in Nigeria, we can now see a collection of photo and video samples taken with the Pixel 6 Pro's camera.

It is important, however, that these recordings were made with a prototype and without final software. In the case of the final models, the recordings should therefore be even better. And unfortunately we can only see the recordings as YouTube videos at the moment, which means that the pictures and the video have been post-processed and do not come directly from the camera.

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The post Google Pixel 6 Pro: First camera samples surfaced [Video] first appeared on xiaomist's blog .

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