{Disarmed} OnePlus Nord: End of Android 11 Open Beta announced

OnePlus North

OnePlus has now announced in a blog entry that the Android 11 Open Beta program for the OnePlus Nord has now been terminated. The Open Beta 6 from 1 week ago was the last beta for the model. However, the reasons for the end are quite understandable and plausible.

The manufacturer confirmed that the stable builds of Android 11 for the OnePlus Nord are now so stable and run without any problems that there is no longer any reason to continue the beta program. So now there will only be updates for the stable Android 11 variant with OxygenOS 11 for the Nord.

OnePlus would like to thank all users who participated in the OBT program. They have provided a lot of valuable feedback and suggestions over the past year. And it was only with their help that OnePlus was able to ensure high quality stable builds and cool new features for the rest of the community.

Users who no longer want to use the last OP6 beta can now switch to the current stable version OxygenOS by means of a rollback build. OnePlus has provided the instructions for this purpose and you can find them in the source.


OnePlus Nord: End of Android 11 Open Beta announced first appeared on xiaomist's blog .

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