{Disarmed} Google Pixel 6 Pro: The first hands-on video has surfaced

Google Pixel 6 Pro Silver

So now it's here, the first hands-on video for the upcoming Google Pixel 6 Pro. So someone has already got their hands on the device and presented it in a video. I'm excited to see how long the video will stay online, because I can't imagine that Google will like this.

Well, after what seemed like countless leaks in the last few days, there is now a first video of the Pixel 6 Pro. But we don't really learn anything new here either, after all, the design and large parts of the equipment are already known. But you still have to be a little careful whether everything will come true that has been leaked so far.

This is also the case with this video. Because the logo on the device indicates that it is probably an early test device. That means there can be some differences between what we see here and the actual production device.

Still, pictures say more than 1000 words, so if you want to risk a first look, here you go:

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The post Google Pixel 6 Pro: The First Hands-On Video Has Appeared first appeared on xiaomist's blog .

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