Xiaomi apologizes again and assumes that MIUI has not lived up to expectations

During the presentation of the new X iaomi Mi Mix 4 , Xiaomi made various statements that mostly went unnoticed . Among them we find those of Jin Fan , General Manager of MIUi Experience, who not only presented MIUI 12.5 Enhanced Edition , but also apologized .

In the last year, MIUI has become a fairground shotgun. Many successes, but in general many more failures, which have undoubtedly reduced the end user experience . This in turn has caused many to consider changing the ROM or even changing the smartphone.

Of this, Xiaomi is aware. So much so that Jin Fan began his statements by apologizing again and assuming that MIUI has not lived up to expectations in many details. Hence the birth of MIUI 12.5 Enhanced Edition and the postponement of MIUI 13.

MIUI 12.5 Enhanced Edition will try to solve all those failures that have caused this disappointment in users

With the arrival of MIUI 12.5 Enhanced Edition, a properly improved version of MIUI 12.5, Xiaomi has corrected no less than 160 major problems and 224 bugs related to its applications .

Xiaomi vuelve a pedir disculpa y asume que MIUI no ha estado a la altura de las expectativas. Noticias Xiaomi A

In addition, this new version of MIUI that we will see debut on August 13 in China improves and optimizes the system in general, achieving a lower CPU load, around 15% and an average use of 8% less power consumption .

In short, Xiaomi has not only apologized, but has also wanted to postpone the launch of MIUI 13 until all those bugs that have been staining the reputation of MIUI have been corrected . A good start to mark a before and after in its personalization layer that has given us so many joys, but that little by little has been left in the background.

Via | Gizchina

The entry Xiaomi apologizes again and assumes that MIUI has not lived up to expectations was published first in xiaomist: Xiaomi news and news website .


  1. Well I'm still waiting... Talk is cheap. What a dumpster fire.


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