Google Pixel 6: Full potential will only be reached with Android 13

Google Pixel 6: Full potential will only be reached with Android 13

Google will shortly be introducing two high-end smartphones, the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro, which should set a new technological benchmark. The phones are delivered with the new Android 12 operating system. But the full potential will only be realized with Android 13.

Google Pixel 6: UWB is there, but only to a limited extent

Many manufacturers install UWB (Ultra-Wideband) in their smartphones - including Google in the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro. This is a very practical feature because the smartphone can use it to communicate quickly and securely with a wide variety of devices and to localize them.

The best example of this is Apple with the AirTag or Samsung with the Galaxy SmartTag +. But UWB can do a lot more. The technology can be used in many other areas. At BMW, for example, as a car key.

Google is supposed to install UWB technology in the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro, but Android 12 will not be able to exhaust all possibilities (source: 9to5Google). Only with Android 13 will additional possibilities be created. If Google expands support in Android, all manufacturers will benefit. Until then, companies have to make do with proprietary solutions.

This could then also have a positive effect on other companies using this UWB technology to make their own products compatible with it. The possibilities are very diverse and the more smartphones support UWB, the more attractive this communication channel becomes.

We took a closer look at the first details about the Pixel 6 in the xiaomist headlines :

Google Pixel 6: Lots of new things in the smartphone

While the Pixel 5 was more of a mid-range phone, Google really does trumps with the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro. Own processor, better displays, completely new cameras, sub-display fingerprint sensor and much more. The presentation should take place in the coming weeks. Then it will show whether Google can keep up with Samsung, Apple and Xiaomi and whether the smartphones will not become too expensive after all.


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