This is what CoD looks like on PS5. Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War got the first, really good trailer

People responsible for CoD chose a creative way of presenting the trailer for the new installment of the series. The video first appeared in the free Warzone as part of an entirely new quest for gamers. After its execution, special effects are applied to the image, and then the Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War trailer is displayed.

Activision informs that the gameplay fragments captured in the trailer come straight from PlayStation 5. But don't expect a real graphic revolution. Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War is, after all, a multi-generation title. It will first appear on PC, PS4 and XONE, and only later on next-generation consoles. Therefore, we can think that the version for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X is just a slightly tuned edition from earlier consoles. Honestly? if the visuals remain at the same level as in Modern Warfare, I don't mind.

Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War will be available in backward compatibility.

This means that once purchased, we will run a PS4 game on PS5, and the one from XONE on XSX. Unfortunately, the title launched in backward compatibility will be devoid of technological improvements that the separate version dedicated to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X will get. To get an improved edition using the potential of new consoles, you need to buy a special intergenerational package or wait for the premiere of CoD on PS5 / XSX.

  • Black Ops Cold War - PLN 290
  • Black Ops Cold War multigeneration package - 330 PLN
  • Black Ops Cold War final edition - PLN 420

It may not be an ideal distribution model, but knowing Activision, it could have been much, much worse. Backward compatibility support is a good decision. In addition, Cold War will be a cross-play title not only between consoles, but also between generations of equipment. This means that people playing in backwards compatibility or on older platforms will not be cut off from support, updates and new content.

It's a great idea to continue with the free Call of Duty Warzone.

Warzone stays with us for longer. Activision does not create a battle royale module from scratch for the third time, which is very good news. BR subspecies titles need constant support, development and commitment. These are projects for years, if not decades, as shown by Fortnite and PUBG. Therefore, the decision to continue the free Warzone is the best possible decision - for players and developers.

Call of Duty Warzone is currently my favorite battle royale. I have some records there and some great skins. I am glad that I will be able to move this entire collection to the new chapter of the game, while still playing as the operator of the GROM unit. I also love Verdańsk itself. It's a great map, especially with the recent updates opening the big stadium in the center of the arena.

Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War will debut on November 13, 2020.

The game will then appear on personal computers, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The edition for new generations of consoles will debut simultaneously with the hardware premiere. Staying with PS5 and XSX, I'm curious to see how Warzone will run on fast and efficient SSDs. I wonder if I will still have to wait several dozen seconds in the lobby each time before the actual game starts.

Important: in the case of distribution on disc, the game in backward compatibility will only run when the media is in the next-generation console drive. You have to take this into account when thinking about buying a PS5 version without the Ultra HD Blu-ray reader. On such a console in backward compatibility we will run only digital editing.

You can find all the rules for various editions, new consoles and backward compatibility here .

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This is what CoD looks like on PS5. Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War got the first, really good trailer


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