CD-Action has a new owner. It is the Fantasyexpo agency. Long-awaited changes are coming

After a few weeks of publishing crisis, the situation of CD-Action stabilizes again. The gaming magazine has found a new owner in the form of Fantasyexpo. What does this mean for readers?

CD-Action has a new owner. The magazine passed from Bauer to Fantasyexpo, which has already been officially announced in the Facebook post . The rumors that CD-Action was supposed to join the media catalog of the Polish businessman Robert Łapiński, the publisher of such periodicals as PIXEL or PSX Extreme, were not confirmed. Fantasyexpo owned not only CD-Action, but also PC Format.

What does this mean for CD-Action readers?

First of all, the current publishing rhythm will be maintained. CD-Action will be released exactly as before. No breaks or calendar holes. Importantly, the magazine is created by exactly the same editorial staff, the same people as before. At the moment there is no mention of personnel changes.

However, changes will be of a different nature. The editors of CD-Action announce that under the Fantasyexpo flag the magazine will get a serious, professional website tailored to the 21st century. This is good news, because we probably all agree that the current CD-Action portal is a digital museum. Video content will be a very important part of the new internet medium.

What is Fantasyexpo? Who does it belong to?

Fantasyexpo advertises itself as a gaming agency, offering brand consulting, sales and marketing campaigns, as well as the organization of themed events. In addition to handling events, Fantasyexpo is also strongly involved in the Polish e-sports scene, and also boasts a network of connections with online celebrities. The most important project of the agency so far has been the Polish Esports League.

Fantasyexpo was founded in 2013, founded by IT graduate Kamil Górecki. Górecki constantly holds the position of president, specializing in marketing and dealing with so-called influencerami.

CD-Action has a new owner. It is the Fantasyexpo agency. Long-awaited changes are coming


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