This is not the end of CD-Action. Negotiations on a new investor are underway!

A month ago we informed about the statements received by the editors of CD-Action. Bauer has been limiting operations on the traditional press market for a long time, and the pandemic has accelerated the restructuring process. However, it turns out that the fate of CD-Action is not yet over.

I wrote about rumors about the takeover of CD-Action at the end of April . German Bauer wants to close the magazine, which is cult for many Polish players. That is why during the information about the statements for the editor it was said that CD-Action could gain a new owner.

The same confirms Smuggler - editor of CD-Action - on the Facebook platform

Smugger announced in social media about ongoing talks regarding the takeover of CD-Action by a new investor. Moreover, due to the ongoing negotiations, the magazine will retain its publishing cycle. This means that we will see the number 7/2020, and possibly future releases, already under the wings of another owner. Unfortunately, the former editor of the CDA knows nothing more, as convinced in the comments below the post.

At the moment it is not known who is trying to get the magazine and when the negotiations will end. However, information on the content of issue 7/2020 has already appeared on the official CD-Action website. The number will be released along with the full game for PLN 10.99. The cover theme is the upcoming Assassin's Creed: Valhalla. It is worth adding that the number can also be purchased in electronic form. Unfortunately, we will again get a simple pdf version instead of a convenient, scalable digital document.

CD-Action doesn't have to have a big investor. He shouldn't have it

We're talking about a magazine with 35,000 sales. Periodicals generating such results are able to maintain profitability, covering the full cost of editorial work. This is perfectly illustrated by the example of another press title about video games - PSX Extreme. Despite sales of 15,000 copies, the PSX not only works, but even revives. Therefore, for CD-Action there is still a chance for it to stay on the market even with lower sales.

It all depends on who the business belongs to. For media behemoths like Bauer, maintaining profitability is not enough. An international company with a lot of editorial staff is counting on visible profits in many places around the world. Hence the restructuring, termination and even closing of titles. The media giant operating on a global scale is upset that its portfolio includes the most-valued periodical about games in a given country, provided that this title does not bring noticeable profits.

The situation is much different when the owner of the magazine is a passionate and enthusiast.

Let's return to the previously mentioned PSX Extreme. The new owner of the press title was businessman Robert Łapiński. The same one that funds the Pixel magazine. It seems that Łapiński gives his editors more space, more artistic freedom, more space for development. The owner does not want to conquer the product of the world, but ensure him continued functioning, profitability, stability and growth. Conditions created by Łapiński allow up to two video game magazines to survive on the extremely difficult press market.

CD-Action also does not need a giant like Gannetta or Axel Springer to continue functioning. All you need is an investor looking at CDA as a local product, operating on a difficult market, with limited growth opportunities, but ensuring profitability and stability. In a word, I need a second Robert Łapiński. Someone who agrees with the editors will agree on the most important modernization investments and will lead CD-Action to the state of the 21st century. This also applies to the website and e-editions.

This is not the end of CD-Action. Negotiations on a new investor are underway!


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