The official themes of the first versions of MIUI will come to the Xiaomi Themes application

After the return of the Xiaomi Themes application for practically all versions of MIUI, there are many, among which I include myself, those who spend time browsing through its infinity of themes , wallpapers and sources of all kinds .

Unlike the basic settings that other manufacturers allow, Xiaomi gives us the possibility to change practically the entire MIUI design . This is achieved with the custom themes that we can find in the Themes app, which also cover practically any category.

New classic themes from older MIUI versions

Such is the success of this application that Xiaomi has announced the arrival of new personalized themes for our mobile. Specifically, according to Lei Jun, CEO of Xiaomi, we will soon be able to enjoy the classic and official themes of the older versions of MIUI .

The classic themes of the first versions of MIUI will arrive in the Xiaomi Themes application. Xiaomi  News

MIUI theme 5

From the shadow-filled 3D design of MIUI 1 to the minimalist renovation we currently enjoy at MIUI 11. These new themes will come in high renovation and will include the most classic themes of all MIUI versions.

The classic themes of the first versions of MIUI will arrive in the Xiaomi Themes application. Xiaomi  News

MIUI theme 3

Although for now it is not known when it will end up arriving, everything indicates that it will be in mid-May when we can enjoy in the most absolute nostalgia all the changes that MIUI has undergone since its inception.

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The entry The official themes of the first versions of MIUI will reach the Xiaomi Themes application was first published on xiaomi: Xiaomi news and news website in general, we are Xiaomi .


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