Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra in white should come

Is there a new color for the Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra? The top flagship is said to be standing in front of the door in innocent white.

According to @UniverseIce on Twitter, the white model variant will soon be launched in China. It is not yet certain whether the color variant will come to us in Germany.

Samsung Galaxy S20-Serie
Samsung Galaxy S20 series (source: unknown)

We can see what this could look like in the picture above. So far, the flagship has only been available in the colors Cosmic Gray and Cosmic Black. So maybe in another color soon - Cosmic White?

It is of course not new that Samsung comes around the corner with a new color a few weeks after the start of sales. That's the norm and should boost the sales figures again a few weeks later.

And that could be necessary. Because the Samsung Galaxy S20 series sells rather slowly , only the Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra is the positive exception here .

The post Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra in white should come first appeared on Xiaomist .


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