This patent can ruin video games. PlayStation tips are encouraged to buy DLC or currency

Not every patent filed by a technology company turns into a finished product or service. That is why I hope that the documents submitted by Sony will never appear as a ready solution for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 or any other console.

The children are sleeping, the wife is at her friend's, you have the evening to yourself. You turn on the PS5 and then start the long-awaited Bloodborne 2. After great moments with the game comes to the movie scene announcing the first boss. Then the bottom corner of the screen is occupied by the system tab with the information: 72 percent. players do not beat this opponent the first time. Players with items such as Béchamel Sword and Vegetable Shield succeed in this. Don't wait Buy these items now and increase your chances against the enemy!

Such a scenario is a drama. Horror. Horror. Macabre.

Unfortunately, this type of solution received Sony from the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Anyone interested can delve into the long, substantial documentation provided by the Japanese technology company using this link . To show how Sony's patent should work, however, all you need is the above graphics and a brief description in the corner (editorial translation):

Use resource E. Based on our simulations, you'll have 90 percent. the probability of defeating opponent X the first time.

What are these resources supposed to be? The patent documentation indicates that this can be downloaded separately for DLC content, additions, improvements, items and tips. As a player of the old date, until I felt weaker. I can already see through my eyes how this type of system solutions will extort additional users' money, using the weakness and lack of experience of players. Do you want to be better? Do you want to be faster? Do you want to be stronger? Pay.

Such a system mechanism can prey on players in the nastiest way.

The solution patented by Sony can be targeted at players who are stuck. Who don't know how to solve a puzzle. Who can't beat a given opponent. Instead of becoming better and better, the player will be tempted by the system to take shortcuts. To pay a small amount and move on. And yet it's own, noticeable progress is the most pleasant element of such productions as Bloodborne, Nioh, Sekiro or Dark Souls.

Imagine this: you are roaming the dark corridor of a ghostly mansion playing Resident Evil 8, until a screen appears saying: there is a secret nearby. Only 8 percent players know about him. Buy advice to discover a new room and get a new weapon. You buy? I do not. You do not. But there is a whole bunch of MASS of players who will not be able to deny it. Especially if this hint is a dollar-sized expense.

Preying on people's weaknesses is one thing, but such a system can destroy the games themselves.

After all, no Dark Souls would be so great if it was possible to pass it on the first try. In one life. Sure, there are freaks in the world that can do this, but I mean most players. How worse would be the adventure game where you can pay for the solution to the great puzzle defending the treasury entrance. How worse would survival horror be if the system reported all packages of ammunition in the area.

Sometimes the advantage of the game is that we can't do anything about it. We can't go through anything. How many times have I sat in school or department, but I was already in front of the console, devising new strategies for a difficult boss. how many times have I invited colleagues to sessions with the original Resident Evil 2. Not only because I was scared, but also to help me with climate riddles.

The system patented by Sony threatens a wide spectrum of the world of electronic gameplay: players, games, competition and progression. It is a tool to maximize profits from DLC and micro-transactions, which feeds on the most basic instincts of users. That is why I sincerely hope that the patent will remain a patent. And nothing more. Please don't mix up my future PlayStation 5.

This patent can ruin video games. PlayStation Tips are to encourage you to buy DLC or currency


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