2 GB for 5 PLN and 5 GB for 10 PLN in Mix. T-Mobile introduces new internet packages

T-Mobile does not forget about customers who have chosen the Mix type offer. People who lack the transfer will be able to buy one of the new mobile internet packages.

Mobile operators attach the greatest importance to subscription offers, most often offered together with smartphones and other devices. From their point of view, signing a contract with a subscriber for many months or years without the possibility of changing the terms is the most profitable. Consumers very often choose pre-paid and modern offers closed in the application, such as Play Next and Orange Flex . They not only allow you to save a lot on your subscription, but you can also change the tariff to another one or even transfer the number to another operator at any time.

Fewer people think today about Mix type offers that combine the advantages of prepaid and subscription offers: paying for services in advance with the option of buying a phone in installments. Operators, however, remember about them, and not only when the next payment period is approaching.

t-mobile mix additional internet

New internet packages in T-Mobile Mix

Users of Mix offers in T-Mobile can purchase one of two new mobile internet packages. Additional Internet can be used by subscribers of the Frii Mix tariff who have an offer with a Service Package. You need to pay 5 PLN for a 2 GB packet of data, and the 5 GB package is priced at 10 PLN.

Activation of the package, which is renewed every month, requires entering the USSD code on the telephone's keypad. For 2 GB, enter * 140 * 600 * 1 #. People who prefer a larger package should enter the code * 140 * 600 * 2 #. After you have exhausted one package, you can also activate another one.

2 GB for 5 PLN and 5 GB for 10 PLN in Mix. T-Mobile introduces new internet packages


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