Xiaomi appears for the first time in the Fortune Global 500 as one of the most important and influential companies in the world

Even with its great stock market crash during this first year in the stock market, Xiaomi seems to continue to reap great successes. And as the company itself has announced, it is already listed within the Fortune Global 500 as one of the most influential companies in the world.

Specifically, it has been through Xiaomi's own official profile at Weibo, where the company wanted to thank its appearance for the first time in the famous Fortune Global 500 list. A global TOP of 500 companies where income is taken into account , the earnings , asset size and market value of each company in relation to the last year.

In this way, Xiaomi Group is positioned in position 468 , a position that although it is not the first, if it entails great merit since we have to take into account that it has been achieved in just 9 years since its launch as a technology company in China.

Xiaomi Group is listed in the Fortune Global 500 as one of the most powerful. Xiaomi Addicted News

In addition, this list shows us several quite curious figures. Among them a growth of 55.9% in the last year (2018) and in relation to the volume of business, as well as profits of more than 2,000 million US dollars . Likewise, Fortune Global 500 estimates that the company's assets are over 21.1 billion dollars , together with a workforce of almost 17,000 employees .

Xiaomi for its paret, wanted to mention that this great achievement is based on the support of users and fans of the brand. In addition, it ensures that they will continue to work hard so that everyone can enjoy the wonders that technological advances bring , without having to spend a large amount of money.

Source | Weibo , Mi.com

The Xiaomi entry appears for the first time in the Fortune Global 500 as one of the most important and influential companies in the world was first published on xiaomist.com: Xiaomi news and news website in general, we are Xiaomi Addicts .


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