The Facebook profile turned into a porn page. Moderation reacted only after our intervention

We were contacted by a reader who sent a link to a facebook profile containing pornographic content. Although he reported moderation posts, they were considered to be compliant with community standards. We decided to look at the matter.

After posting the site moderation posts, Mr. Ernest received a standard message.

It started with the words:

Thank you for letting us know about it. The post has been checked and, although it does not violate the Standards of the community, sending the application was the right decision.

What did the profile contain? This account - probably - a fake user, where you can find links to suspicious websites. Pornographic images appeared in the posts.

I wrote to our reader that the problem probably arises from the fact that the moderation process is automated (which I will come back to) and I promised myself that I would post several posts in that profile myself. After a few hours, I received the same answer as the reader.

The reported user had 4764 friends. Pornographic posts were laced and commented.

Facebook blocked the account after our intervention.

Unless regular users' submissions were enough to remove content, contacting the Facebook press office caused an instant response.

These contents do not take place on our platform and should be removed, it did not happen as a result of the error we identified. Both the profile and posts that were shared on it are already deleted. We apologize for the mistake and any inconvenience connected with it - wrote Spider's Web Jan Ściegienny - head of corporate communication of the Polish branch of Facebook.

Why did Facebook moderation fail?

The above question is crucial in the context of Facebook's assurances that its algorithms are becoming more and more effective. Last year, the website boasted that it deleted 21 million content containing nudity and pornography. 96 percent they had to capture the algorithms before the moderator noticed them or reported the user.

Ensuring assurances, and at the other pole we had a story described by BBC journalists who exposed the ineffectiveness of Facebook moderation on the very important issue of pornography involving children.

Nudity on Facebook is a river theme.

We all remember well bans imposed on mothers who are breastfeeding, who dared to upload photos of this procedure on Facebook. Eve Lalik was convinced that the site had a sutkofobia. Obscenely presented nipple belonged to Anja Rubik , and the post was published (though not through Eve) on fanpejdżu splay (today Rozrywka.Blog ).

Facebook algorithms and algorithms were able to see nudity where it does not exist. An example is the story of the creators of the independent game Gris.

Social media have a problem with nudity and sexuality. I even understand it. Different societies, different cultures, different approaches to the body, its perception and understanding, different ways of giving meaning to the exposed heads, shoulders, cleavage, legs. All this is mixed up in social media that want to be global, mass, and intended for everyone. The sense of what can and can not be difficult, especially in the context of nudity - wrote Matilda Grodecka in the text on this topic .

The problem is that in his fight with inappropriate content Facebook is so inconsistent and above all unjust. It often happens that the system simply fails, an example of which we have in this text.

The Facebook profile turned into a porn page. Moderation reacted only after our intervention


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