Poland, we have a problem. New personal IDs for cancellations and corrections

The new generation personal proofs are to significantly facilitate communication with offices. And they will probably fulfill their role. But first you have to check them again, and the documents already made invalid.

A blessing in disguise. I lost my ID card. I had to report his loss and apply for a new one. What's so happy about it? Thanks to my inattention I managed to shoot in the so-called e-evidence, ie the latest generation of this type of documents.

We already had the pleasure of testing such proof. Thanks to the electronic layer contained in it, the document can be used to sign documents with an electronic signature and to easily log in to public administration portals. E-proof also contains information about the holder, such as a biometric photo. The number of applications of this electronic layer and the facilities it is supposed to provide is expected to grow all the time.

E-IDs have a painful start. Documents will have to be corrected.

For three days I can not check if my document is ready for collection. The relevant site informs about the "maintenance break", which in itself is not even strange, although the time of this interruption seemed suspicious to me. Thanks to RMF FM reporters, we finally managed to determine the cause of the problem. They are e-proofs themselves.

"Up to several thousand" of the e-evidence has been badly produced, of which a small part has already hit the hands of citizens. The problem was - and how - a new electronic layer of the document, more specifically improperly uploaded certificates for integrated circuits of documents. The production of ID cards has been stopped and the e-evidence already produced has been annulled.

It is worth noting that the problem does not concern all e-evidence, but only "a small part of it". This, in consequence, suggests that most of the documents were produced without defects and should come into the hands of citizens. In addition, we know that the problem applies only to documents ordered online.

What should we do in this situation? Wait patiently…

Offices have 30 days to provide us with a document that we request. This means that applicants will receive appropriate , flawless documents on time. It is true that we were assured that in most cases we will receive a document within a week, but no one - and rightly so - promised it. Let only new documents no longer cause any problems.

It is also not clear what the people who have already received the new document have to do, and he belongs to the defective party. According to the ministry of digitization, 702 people received a document that was annulled only after the shipment. We are waiting for further information on this matter.

Poland, we have a problem. New personal IDs for cancellations and corrections


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