The second camera on your smartphone is the first one today. DxO finally starts testing selfie cameras

DxO has been testing smartphones for a long time, but it is only now that it is starting to put ratings on the front cameras. It's high time, because a marginalized webcam for selfie becomes today the main camera, and sometimes even the foundation of business.

The DxO service known for testing matrices, lenses and smartphones, attaches to its arsenal tests of front cameras in smartphones . For now, the service has tested only a few webcams, but the evaluation of the front module will permanently stay in the DxO tester procedure. Currently, the quality leaders of the front cameras are Google Pixel 3 and Samsung Galaxy Note 9.

The front camera is mainly associated with empty selfie photos or, if necessary, with video calls on Skype, Messengerze or FaceTime. Are you sure? I dare say that it is something much bigger.

The younger the medium, the stronger it is based on the front camera of the smartphone.

With the smartphone's front camera, you can now conduct relationships, live, streams and even entire profiles in the latest branch of social media, such as TikTok. Looking at the history of social media, it is clearly visible in which direction development is heading.

  • Facebook (2004) - posts with text or photos,
  • Twitter (2006) - short text entries,
  • Instagram (2010) - photos, mainly mobile,
  • Snapchat (2011) - a total bet on smartphones and a front camera,
  • TikTok (2016) - as above
  • Instagram Stories (2016) - most of the relationship is created using the front camera of the smartphone.

Somewhere in parallel, YouTube is being developed, which now also turns to use the front camera due to live broadcasts and disappearing relationships.

All the time you treat a selfie camera after neglect? You probably do not know that it can be used to raise one million zlotys in three days.

Just a few days ago, on the occasion of the collection of money for the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, we wrote about the sensational action of Nicole Sochacki-Wójcicka, widely known as Mama Ginekolog. Known in the parenting world, the blogger has about 400,000 on her Instagram. followers. As part of the collection for the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, Gynecologist donated all the proceeds from the sale of his books to the Jurek Owsiak foundation.

During three days of an intensive Instagram campaign, Mama Ginekolog collected PLN 1.2 million . I really liked some of the comments, under our article on this topic. You will find them below (original spelling):

"Instagram can be liked or not, but the fact is that there is a lot of money."

"Great action. It is precisely through such situations that one can see that although it sometimes seems only a vain world of the instagrama, it is the strength in these people. "

"[Mama Gynecologist] showed me how powerful the IG is - seriously, I did not have the awareness, considering this portal only in the context of celebrity pictures with soap and powdel in the background."

If you have been watching the collection Gynaecologist, you know for sure that Insta Stories played a key role in it. Disappearing messages were of course recorded by the front camera of the smartphone. Such examples can be multiplied. A lot of service points, restaurants and stores run on Instagram, semi-detached relations that drive traffic and allow you to acquire new customers.

Yes, it sounds bizarre, but the smartphone's front camera can now be an important part of the business.

Instagram is today the same business as any other activity. The conviction that this is not so-called real work , but such perception of this platform is a show of ignorance or ignorance. More and more often someone who does not know that you can not make money on Instagram and ... starts doing it. All this would not be possible without the front camera on your smartphone.

The second camera on your smartphone is the first one today. DxO finally starts testing selfie cameras


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