xiaomi black shark gamepad 2.0

xiaomi black shark gamepad 2.0
xiaomi black shark gamepad 2.0

The xiaomi black shark gamepad 2.0 has unveiled a significant improvement over the original version. This gamepad typically costs $ 90/€ 80, but if you buy it with a BlackBerry smartphone, you will get a 20% discount. That's currently priced at € 420, a discount of € 80 lower than its usual price. Note that the main controller is provided free of charge with the handset (and note that Black Shark Helo is not yet available in the West).

Go back to the xiaomi black shark gamepad 2.0, which has two sections, one on the left and the other on the right, which, like the Nintendo Switch Joy-Cons, will connect to both sides of the phone. The slides that the gamepad is mounted on is on the protective case contained in the package.

xiaomi black shark gamepad 2.0

xiaomi black shark gamepad 2.0

The left controller not only retains the similarity to the game, which also has four directional controls. There is a touchpad and four buttons on the right controller. Each controller also has a side button.

xiaomi black shark gamepad 2.0

xiaomi black shark gamepad 2.0

xiaomi black shark gamepad 2.0

Holiday ad for € 80 discount Black Shark phone continues until January 4th. If you go to the official website and write a review, you will receive another € 20 discount.


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