Three months with the Home Internet from T-Mobile - it was worth it?

T-Mobile Home Internet

Three months with a hook and over 800 GB of data transferred - it's time to talk about the adventure with the Home Internet from T-Mobile.

About why I chose LTE internet at the time when most of my editorial colleagues use fiber optics, I have already written. So in order not to duplicate a large part of the text , I will only try to answer the questions that I could not answer after a short test period, during which I decided that the elegant Huawei router will stay with me for longer.

For the record - I chose a transfer rate limited to 60 Mbps. The lady from T-Mobile warned me that it does not make much sense, because more than 20 Mbps in my location, I do not really know, but if you can change the tariff at almost any time, why not try.

In fact, there are no limits and funnels?

t-mobile unlimited home Internet

One of the more frequent questions that arises with this service. In my case, I can say with absolute certainty: no, no funnels, no limits and no limits.

However, it would be difficult to check it under normal circumstances. I use the internet rather sparingly that the operator probably would not even notice any disturbing traffic on my side. Ot, the whole day of browsing the Internet, some videos on YouTube, in the evening someone can watch for an hour or two (or five) of Netflix. Little.

It just so happened that already in times of my presence in T-Mobile, Fallout 76 hit the market. First, in a form occupying a 45 GB beta version. Then in the form of a 35-gigabyte patch for this beta version. Then - omitting smaller updates - in the form of the final version again occupying more than 40 GB. And even somewhere in the process I bought the newest Tomb Raider on the physical carrier, just to convince myself that I still need to download 35 GB of "additional content".

Result? Within 108 days I downloaded 832 GB of data, the vast majority of which in a single billing period. On average, I used over 271 GB on average per month. This is certainly not standard consumption, and yet it did not affect the availability or speed of services.

So according to the contract.

Home Internet at T-Mobile - what is the real transfer speed and pings?

This is unfortunately a question that can not be answered in a simple way. Unless someone plans to be my neighbor - unfortunately, there are no vacancies for years, and real estate prices in this area are constantly going up. What to do.

However, looking at my example - what they will tell you in the T-Mobile salon will probably be true or at least close to it. Though at my place ... it was even better.

The first tests I made from August this year were not very promising. Not bad ping (34 ms) unfortunately connected with a download speed of 8-11 Mbps. Only after moving the router to a different place in the house meant that soon I could already enjoy speeds around 14-18 Mbps. At the same time I was more likely to observe the results from the lower part of this range, while keeping the ping around 30 ms.

However, something strange happened in the first half of November this year. The speed of the internet has jumped to 40-50 Mbps and ... it has been so for several days. Unfortunately, the Internet slowed down as quickly and unexpectedly, but this time it remained in the range of about 20 to 30 Mbps, with the ping from 22 to 38 ms. Quite nice.

The only thing I can have reservations about - although it is simply a feature of this form of internet access - is the lack of speed stability. I never know if I will download a larger file today at 35 Mbps or 8 Mbps. Because yes - there are both the first and the second speed.

However, it does not mean that much to me.

Initially, I planned the installation of an additional directional antenna, but if I can have 20-30 Mbps without favors for most of the day, why bother and fight?

Can movies be watched on this?

In my case, the crossbar is set so low that both the TV set and the attached adapter only support Full HD.

It is hardly surprising that Netflix does not have any problems at my speeds and I do not have to watch a joyful pixel show for the first few minutes. A movie or a series loads quickly and later there are no breaks in playback.

So yes - companies can be seen in it as much as possible.

Can you play multiplayer games?

t-mobile home internet 1

I checked this unfortunately only on one title - Fallout 76 - mainly because I only play in the network and only this forces me to play in multiplayer.

But if this example is enough for someone, then the most you can enjoy on such a multiplayer Internet. During a dozen or so hours of sessions I have never had a problem with the fact that I was logged out, not once did any of my colleagues complain that my character is behaving strangely or can not understand what I am saying to them. Everything worked as smoothly and smoothly as it could work in Fallout 76 (although I was just fine with him).

The only problem with the multiplayer game was to download larger updates. At the agreed time we sat down to the console, we formed a group, after which it turned out that we had to update the game. My colleagues did it in a few, maybe a dozen or so minutes, but I had to give myself a break tonight and leave the console for the whole night to calmly download these tens of gigabytes.

It's like - is it worth to take LTE in T-Mobile?

This is a question for which there is no unequivocal answer, because it depends to a large extent on where and how we use the Internet. If we check that we get a maximum of 5 Mbps in our home, we will not be satisfied with the service if four people stream separately in 4K video to the network at the same time.

However, when it comes to the basic elements of the offer, i.e. whether the speed is consistent with what they promise in the salon (I was even higher at home), there are no interruptions in internet access (also depending on the location - I do not have it), or I can use it on a daily basis (with me as much as possible), if there is no funnel (for me not even a bit), then I can not write a bad word about the T-Mobile offer.

Although of course I would not mind reaching those 60 Mbps. Maybe someday...

* Pictures: Marcin Połowianiuk

Three months with the Home Internet from T-Mobile - it was worth it?


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