xiaomi mi 5c review

xiaomi mi 5c review

Xiaomi Mi 5c

A smartphone with affordable prices and flagship features.

Since 2010, Xiaomi has started its operations in Beijing, China, and has attracted many fans of digital and electronic products in its years of operation. Xiaomi has predictive policies and management. Which has been able to go through a few decades in only 10 years. With the slogan of customer satisfaction, Xiaomi offers its customers high-quality, low-cost products.
Xiaomi continues to make progress every day. It has also recently entered the tough competition of renowned e-commerce brands and, contrary to many executives' imaginations, has become a hard-working driver. Perhaps one of the Xiaomi activity basins, which grows rapidly in Iran, is sold. The smartphone basin is. This growth is so rapid that the position of Huawei products in Iran has been compromised.
Xiaomi has been able to surpass Huawei by providing excellent, but relatively inexpensive, smartphones. It is anticipated that the company in this basin will be behind many other brands and take on the smart market. Xiaomi, with its new smartphone, May 5th, has been able to capture the enthusiasts of this basin and sell the mobile to the massive.

xiaomi mi 5c review

A case that makes the 5th very distinct. Its fantastic and powerful display. The display has an extraordinary design with 8x brightness adjustment levels compared to other smartphones. It allows you to easily and efficiently use any position in any situation. Without harming your solar radiation reflection. From any moment of the day, with any light change in the environment, your device chooses the best and most of the 2048 different display modes. It's also not bad to know that this screen has much less harm to human eyes than other smartphones.
The screen used on this smartphone, with its simultaneous multi-touch capability, has a 15.5-inch (1920 x 1080) IPS LCD resolution, capable of supporting and displaying up to 16 million colors, and can display images with colors Transparent and vivid.

Camera quality
xiaomi mi 5c review

Another unique and extraordinary case you will see in May 5th. The ultimate in quality is the imaging of this smartphone. With the handset, you're actually carrying a powerful camera.
The 12-megapixel quality of the camera provides you with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels. It also has a full-HD movie capture at 30 fps.
It's also a good news for the movie and movie enthusiasts, it's going to be a fantastic performance at night. So that you can get crisp, clear images at night without using an optical projector and only with a LED flash.
The front-facing camera comes with a 5-megapixel resolution of 8 megapixels, which is well-suited for various functions, including selfie shooting and high-quality video calling. The 5-inch cameras also feature geotagging, touch focus, full-screen detection, smile detection, HDR and panoramic views.

xiaomi mi 5c review

Xiaomi is using the Surge S1 chipset on May 5th, which is part of its in-house manufacturing unit. Xiaomi has 5 GB of 3 GB of RAM and an 8-core processor at 2.2 GHz. In general, 5 cents in this price range have registered relatively good performance. This mobile is also good for programs and activities that are relatively heavy and can keep its customers happy.

xiaomi mi 5c review

As you know, Xiaomi smartphones are also known for battery quality and performance. With the help of high-capacity, high-quality batteries, Xiaomi has been able to hide the short-lived short-lived battery of today's generation. But unfortunately, the company has not used this feature for 5 CEs.
With a capacity of 2860 mAh battery, lithium polymer can handle up to 2 days of use for mid-range users. While it was expected to have a higher capacity than its previous models. But due to its modest CPU and its low price, this capacity reduction is reasonable. But it can not be ignored that Xiaomi, with that, has made the purchase cheaper by a factor of 5.

Connections and functionality
xiaomi mi 5c review

The operating system is 5th and 7th Android. The smartphone also has the ability to support 2G, 3G and 4G frequencies. It also has a high quality fingerprint sensor. Its position is subtle and underneath the Home button.

Worth buying
xiaomi mi 5c review

You can certainly say that you are choosing the best possible option for the price you pay. This device records great performance in its review and has outstanding performance. Which can be referred to as the unique screen quality and professional camera used. If you remember, the devices that used the fingerprint sensor for the first time were sold at very high prices. But Xiaomi, today, and on this product, has been using incredible pricing with many technologies to make a great purchase for its enthusiasts.


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