Electric toothbrush Xiaomi children's Sonic Electric

Electric toothbrush Xiaomi children's Sonic Electric

Oral hygiene does not have children and adults, and it is essential in all ages. In addition to oral hygiene, it also makes the smile beautiful. But because of the sensitivity of the teeth in children, more care is needed. Children's teeth should also be checked by the dentist. This will reduce parental concerns for their children's health.

Xiaomi children's Sonic Electric Electric toothbrush, suitable for children aged 4 years and older. Because of the soft teeth of children, Xiaomi's electric toothbrush is made up of soft and rubber brushes with a diameter of 127 mm, which does not damage the gums.

Electric toothbrush Xiaomi children's Sonic Electric

Electric toothbrush Xiaomi children's Sonic Electric has a child-resistant packaging that can also be replaced with labels.

Xiaomi children's Sonic Electric Electric toothbrush supports the Xiaomi application, which lets you play educational videos and teach children. The Xiaomi electric toothbrush design is waterproof, easy to clean without damaging the toothbrush.

Xiaomi children's Sonic Electric toothbrush is equipped with a 800 mAh battery with a wireless charger that can hold up to 20 days of charge.


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