Corona warning app 2.19 available for download

Corona warning app

The project team from the Robert Koch Institute, Deutsche Telekom and SAP has released version 2.19 of the Corona-Warn-App (CWA). The update enables a more error-tolerant assignment of certificates to employees. For example, minor differences in first and last names are ignored and name suffixes such as doctoral degrees are filtered out so that the certificates are still assigned to the same person.

In the past, in order for the CWA to be able to assign different certificates to a person, the first and last names on the certificates had to match exactly. For example, for users who have given their middle name on one certificate and not on another, the CWA has assigned the certificates to two different people. To correct this, users had to have a new certificate issued in the pharmacy.

With the update, this is no longer necessary, as the CWA can now break down the first and last name into their components when comparing two certificates. It recognizes that two certificates belong to one person if:

  1. First and last names either match exactly or at least one first name and at least one last name match and
  2. the dates of birth match exactly.

An example: Erika Mustermann's vaccination certificate for the basic immunization includes her first name Erika and her surname Mustermann. In the certificate of her booster vaccination, she gave her middle name Maria, so that Erika Maria now appears under her first name. The CWA recognizes that at least one first name (Erika) and one last name (Smite) and the date of birth match and groups the certificates under the same person. The customization also allows the CWA to filter out name suffixes such as academic titles and match the certificates to the same person.

Also important to note: The prerequisite that the dates of birth in the certificates must match exactly remains in place.

The CWA informs the users for whom the adjustment changes something in the grouping of their certificates.

Version 2.19 will be rolled out to all users step by step over a period of 48 hours. iOS users can now download the current app version manually from the Apple store. The Google Play Store does not offer a way to initiate a manual update. The new version of the Corona warning app will be available here within the next 48 hours.

Corona warning app (Free, Google Play) →

‎Corona Warning App (Free, App Store) →


The article Corona-Warn-App 2.19 available for download first appeared on xiaomist's blog .


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