Samsung Galaxy S22, Plus & Ultra: Those who strike directly will receive plenty of gifts

Samsung Galaxy S22, Plus & Ultra: Those who strike directly will receive plenty of gifts

This week it's finally time. Samsung will finally introduce the Galaxy S22, S22 Plus and S22 Ultra. However, some dealers do not want to wait for the official announcement and are already advertising the new smartphones that Samsung has not even revealed yet. The campaign for pre-orders was also revealed.

Samsung Galaxy S22: This is what pre-orderers get

On Wednesday, February 9th, 2022, Samsung will officially present the new Galaxy S22 smartphones. Actually, only then everything should be known about the top cell phones. But after all the leaks, we already know what to expect. Some retailers don't want to wait either and have already initiated initial advertising measures. The first advertising brochures are even hanging in shop windows in the USA :

Samsung has already blocked one of them, the second picture is still available on Twitter. This should finally confirm what the new Galaxy S22 Ultra will look like.

In Poland, MediaExpert is already advertising the new Galaxy S22 smartphones. According to the electronics retailer, all pre-orders from Samsung will get the Galaxy Buds Pro in-ear headphones for free . They currently have a value of around 100 euros. In addition, there should be up to 3,000 złoty for the old cell phone if you trade it in. Converted that is currently about up to 659 euros.

Such actions are actually normal when new smartphones are launched. It remains to be seen whether the same gift will also be available in Germany. Products may vary by country . The increased purchase prices for older smartphones are also mostly active. But you should calculate carefully whether private resale is no longer worthwhile.

The teaser for the upcoming Samsung event:

Samsung Galaxy S22 and Galaxy Tab S8 are coming

In addition to the Galaxy S22 smartphones, Samsung will probably also present the Galaxy Tab S8 tablets on Wednesday. At the latest then we will find out whether all the leaks of the last few weeks are confirmed.


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