{Disarmed} Xiaomi puts its smart coffee maker on sale: coffee lovers are in luck

Xiaomi puts its smart coffee maker on sale: coffee lovers are in luck

Coffee is one of the key morning drinks for many . Although there are many options on the market, Xiaomi has decided to try it with a new smart capsule coffee machine.

A smart coffee machine compatible with different capsules

It corresponds to a coffee maker that has a minimalist and elegant design . At the top it has two buttons to select the amount of coffee we want it to dispense.

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These are customizable, so it is possible to prepare the rest of the breakfast while the coffee is being made. It has 20 bars of power, which is key to being able to enjoy a good coffee , especially those of greater intensity.

The coffee maker heats up very quickly and has an energy saving system that will turn it off after 10 minutes without any activity.

Its deposit is 600 milliliters, ideal for making several coffees without having to recharge it . There are different versions of this coffee maker, however, the only difference between them is in the compatibility with the Xiaomi Home app , which is very useful if you want to automatize every last corner of your home.

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It is compatible with both Nesspreso and Starbucks capsules , and is even reusable, so choosing your favorite coffee won't be a problem. At the moment it is marketed in China.

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The news Xiaomi puts its smart coffee maker on sale: coffee lovers are in luck was originally published in xiaomist by Alejandro Fernández .


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