Xiaomi PaiPai Wireless: a 4K compatible office Chromecast

At the recent event where Xiaomi presented the Miui 13 , it was also used to unveil a new gadget. We are talking about the new Xiaomi Pai Pai, a wireless transmitter that has the ability to play streaming content on mobile devices , as well as on large screens. And the best, at an attractive price.

xiaomi pai pai trasmettitore transmisión inalámbrica 4K

Xiaomi PaiPai Wireless Projection Screen 4K What are its features?

Similar in design to the first Xiaomi Mi Pai; Now, however, it dispenses with the need to forcibly establish a Wi-Fi or cable connection. And we have the option, thanks to the Display Port Type-C support , to reproduce what we are seeing on our phone, monitor, tablet or smart TV .

Basically, it is based on the Xiaomi TV Stick , which, in this case, works a little differently from the Global version, which has to be connected via an HDMI cable to the TV; whereas this device does it, as we have mentioned, through a Type-C cable.


Although, the most attractive thing about this new model is that we have the option to reproduce the desired content in 4K at 30 fps and it also has a lower latency . And we can even use it through a projector.

Xiaomi Pai Pai 4K wireless for streaming What is its price and availability?

This new Xiaomi Pai Pai 4K is already available in the Chinese market (only there, for now) at a price of 499 yuan; that is to say, approximately 69 euros . Probably, given its popularity, we will see it on AliExpress in a few weeks.

  • Now available for purchase on Aliexpress!

See Pai Pai gadget 4K version
xiaomi pai pai 4k


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