Xiaomi 12 and 12 Pro now support 64-bit applications

Xiaomi recently unveiled its Series 12 at the December flagship launch event: the high-end flagship Xiaomi 12X with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 870 chipset and its full-featured flagships, the Xiaomi 12 and Xiaomi 12 Pro, both with the latest generation and best processor.

In addition to the higher base clock, more CPU and GPU performance, one of the things the Snapdragon 8 Generation 1 offers over the Snapdragon 870 is its support for 64-bit applications. This is due to the newer ARMv9 architecture in the Snapdragon 8 Generation 1, which includes the newer ARM Cortex A510 and Cortex X2 cores that run on a 64-bit instruction set.

Xiaomi China official spokesperson Cici_Laowei in Weibo shared how to upgrade current 32-bit applications to 64-bit versions with Xiaomi 12 and 12 Pro support for 64-bit applications.

xiaomi 64 bit upgrade step 1

First open your Xiaomi App Gallery, then select "Application Upgrade" on the left side of the App Gallery Start screen.

xiaomi 64 bit upgrade step 2

Next, you should see a 64-bit tag next to the program (in the example below, Starbucks has a 64-bit version to upgrade), and you can now choose to upgrade existing programs to 64-bit.

xiaomi 64 bit upgrade step 3

Xiaomi also points out why you should upgrade your apps to 64-bit, as 64-bit versions consume less battery power than 32-bit versions.

cici laowei weibo xiaomi 12 64 bit

Cici_Laowei also said that after upgrading to 64-bit, his Xiaomi 12 battery life has increased significantly. From 9 a.m. to midnight, the Xiaomi 12 had a 25 percent battery life during the day. His exact usage was 5 hours and 31 minutes screen on time and his usage time was 13 hours and 29 minutes.


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