Inexpensive Android cell phone from China is secretly conquering Amazon

Inexpensive Android cell phone from China is secretly conquering Amazon

At Amazon, you will usually only find smartphones from Apple, Samsung or Xiaomi in the bestsellers. Very rarely does another manufacturer get lost. This is currently the case again, because the Oppo A54 5G is an inexpensive mid-range cell phone that is a good alternative to models from Samsung or Xiaomi.

Oppo A54 5G high in the smartphone bestsellers on Amazon

The smartphone bestsellers from Amazon are always a good indicator of which phones are currently selling best. Mostly well-known models can be found there. Although Oppo is one of the largest smartphone manufacturers in the world, the Chinese company is still in its infancy in Germany .

But that is slowly changing, because many new smartphones in the mid-price segment are becoming more and more interesting. This is also the case with the Oppo A54 5G, which simply took eighth place among the smartphone bestsellers on Amazon and has thus overtaken many well-known models from Xiaomi, Samsung and Co. (see Amazon):

This does not come as a surprise, because the Oppo A54 5G offers really solid equipment at a price of only 169 euros (check it out on Amazon). You get a 6.5-inch display with FHD + resolution that even supports 90 Hz. The smartphone works in the 5G network, can take photos with up to 48 MP and even has a 5,000 mAh battery. With 4 GB of RAM and 64 GB of internal storage, there is also enough storage space. You can optionally insert two SIM cards and a power supply unit is included. What more do you want? Even Xiaomi cell phones can hardly keep up.

With Android 12, the look of Oppo smartphones changes:

iPhones currently dominate Amazon

For Apple, things are currently not going badly at Amazon either. All new versions of the iPhone are selling well and occupy six places in the top 8. Only a cheap Samsung cell phone has lost its way there.


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