MIUI 13 is here: know all its news and which Xiaomi phones will arrive

Xiaomi has just presented MIUI 13 , a new version of its famous customization layer that boasts a major redesign in its interface and a large number of improvements and functionalities that you will undoubtedly want to have on your Xiaomi, Redmi and POCO.

On this occasion, MIUI 13 is presented together with a new cleaner and more minimalist design, including a new widget pack . In addition, Xiaomi has improved productivity, as well as the privacy of its personalization layer, integrating certain functionalities that will make us feel more secure, as well as productive .

MIUI 13, three new functions to improve your privacy

Once again, Xiaomi has focused on improving user privacy . To do this, MIUI 13 adds three new functions aimed at protecting user privacy: face verification, privacy watermark and protection against electronic fraud.

MIUI 13 ya está aquí: conoce todas sus novedades y a que móviles Xiaomi llegará. Noticias Xiaomi A
MIUI 13 will improve the operation and privacy of facial recognition

The new facial verification system will only capture our face , avoiding capturing the upper part of our body and therefore, improving our privacy. In addition, new intelligent algorithms have been integrated to improve the accuracy of facial recognition.

MIUI 13 ya está aquí: conoce todas sus novedades y a que móviles Xiaomi llegará. Noticias Xiaomi A
Protect your photos and scanned documents with watermarks

In addition, MIUI 13 brings new options with which to add a watermark to our photographs or digitized documents , avoiding copying them without our authorization. From the Gallery itself we can add the text, as a watermark, that we want to any photograph.

Added to all this is a new mechanism to prevent electronic fraud . To do this, MIUI 13 implements certain notices in the system that will intelligently alert us with messages such as " Possible electronic fraud ", " Unofficial logo ", " Possibly fraudulent application ".

MIUI 13, new wallpapers, a new font and a great variety of widgets

MIUI 13 brings a new typeface, Mi Sans . This has been optimized to make it much easier to read, whether in night mode or in broad daylight. In addition, this font is dynamic , varying its thickness in order to represent titles or other sections of the system.

MIUI 13 ya está aquí: conoce todas sus novedades y a que móviles Xiaomi llegará. Noticias Xiaomi A
New wallpapers for MIUI 13

Added to this are new animated wallpapers in 8K resolution called « Beauty Science «. These have been designed using a polarizing microscope . As a result we obtain a wallpaper above all peculiar and different from what was previously seen.

In addition to what is seen, the MIUI 13 desktop is filled with a multitude of widgets . On this occasion, Xiaomi has implemented all kinds of widgets, many of them animated or with smart functions , which allow us to obtain certain information at a glance.

MIUI 13 ya está aquí: conoce todas sus novedades y a que móviles Xiaomi llegará. Noticias Xiaomi A
Crowd of widgets arrive on MIUI 13

The MIUI 13 Control Center also receives a small design change . Now the different elements are distributed in a more symmetrical way, making it easier to access each of these.

MIUI 13 ya está aquí: conoce todas sus novedades y a que móviles Xiaomi llegará. Noticias Xiaomi A
New MIUI 13 Control Center

MIUI 13 brings with it Mi Magic Center and a new design for Xiaomi Home

MIUI 13 will also bring with it Mi Magic Center , a new control center with which we can manage all our Xiaomi devices universally , whether they are smartphones, smart speakers, televisions, etc.

MIUI 13 ya está aquí: conoce todas sus novedades y a que móviles Xiaomi llegará. Noticias Xiaomi A

Thanks to the new Mi Magic Center we can transmit images, videos or music between our smartphone and a smart speaker or a Xiaomi TV . All this in a centralized way and without having to install any new element.

Xiaomi Home for its part is also renewed , especially in how it is displayed on the company's screen speakers. Now the interface becomes much more attractive , facilitating the control of all our smart devices.

MIUI 13 for Pad, also news for the Xiaomi Pad 5

MIUI 13 has also been optimized for use on the Xiaomi Pad 5. For this, Xiaomi has optimized the operation of MIUI 13 for Pad in order to improve the display of up to 3,000 applications , adapting them exactly to the screen of your tablet.

MIUI 13 is here: know all its news and which Xiaomi phones will arrive. Xiaomi  News

But the best is still to come. MIUI 13 for Pad will bring to the Xiaomi Pad 5 a new multitasking system , allowing us not only to open one window per application, but all the ones we need . In addition, the windows now support a quick and easy size change, thus adapting to our production needs.

To everything seen are added new keyboard shortcuts for MIUI 13 for Pad . Xiaomi has integrated new shortcuts in this new version of MIUI that will make it easier for us to open or close applications or access certain functionalities.

MIUI 13 deployment schedule

MIUI 13 will begin to be deployed from January 2022 , coming first to the Xiaomi 12, Xiaomi 12 Pro, Xiaomi 12X, Xiaomi 11, Xiaomi 11 Pro and Xiaomi 11 Pro. In addition, it will also do so from this month to the Xiaomi Pad 5 and Xiaomi Pad 5 Pro.

At the moment, Xiaomi has not revealed when the next MIUI 13 deployment phases will take place . In the same way, everything indicates that it will follow the same order as the one we saw leaked this morning .

In development… we continue working on the development of this article. Refresh the page to get the latest news.

The MIUI 13 entry is here: know all its news since Xiaomi phones will arrive, it was published first in xiaomist: Xiaomi news and news website


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