Deadline for the iPhone: Apple puts the classic model on the sidelines

Deadline for the iPhone: Apple puts the classic model on the sidelines

Apple is cleaning up again and is putting a classic, formerly very popular iPhone model on the sidelines. The deadline is running, but how long for the iPhone 6 Plus? Apple is now announcing an appointment.

Deadline for the iPhone 6 Plus is running

If an Apple product is set to "vintage", the manufacturer's official hardware support ends . Provided there are still spare parts available, Apple and their partners can still repair the devices, but there is no formal claim to it.

The iPhone 6 Plus will soon also fall into this category . From December 31, Apple will put the model on the list of so-called vintage products (source: MacRumors). According to the definition, they have not been manufactured for more than five and less than seven years. You can currently find iPhone 4, 4S, 5 and 5C there. Even older models fall under the category of "discontinued products". Apple has discontinued hardware service for them without exception, and service providers can then no longer order replacement parts for these products. But the iPhone 6 Plus is not quite that far.

Still worth seeing - the reaction of a xiaomist editor from the Android section to the iPhone 6 Plus at the time:

Standard model of the classic not yet affected

But what about the iPhone 6, the standard model with the smaller display? Apple launched this in 2017, initially in Asia, and later in Europe and the USA again briefly until 2018. Accordingly, the iPhone 6 does not yet fall into the vintage category, as it was manufactured longer than the iPhone 6 Plus.

Speaking of which: both models were originally presented in autumn 2014 and each had larger displays than the previous iPhone 5, 5s and 5C. The basic design with a 4.7-inch display (standard model) still exists today and is still being maintained by Apple with the current version of the iPhone SE. Good to know: Initially, the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus no longer supported the Corona warning app, but this flaw was resolved with the update to iOS 12.5 and the subsequent update of the Corona warning app in February of this year.


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