Xiaomi s electric bike is back at half price on Amazon

Amazon has started its Black Friday Week with great discounts on Xiaomi products. Among these we find the Xiaomi Smart Electric Folding Bike , an electric bicycle that we can now buy at half price.

Although the Xiaomi Smart Electric Folding Bike is normally marketed for about 999.99 euros, we can now buy it on Amazon for only 499.00 euros , that is, with a discount of no less than 50% .

Xiaomi Smart Electric Folding Bike, an electric bike for the city

The Xiaomi Smart Electric Folding Bike is an electric bicycle that weighing only 14 kilograms has been molded around a resistant chassis made of aluminum. It integrates a 250W motor and a battery capable of giving it a range of up to 45 kilometers .

La bicicleta eléctrica de Xiaomi vuelve a estar a mitad de precio en Amazon. Noticias Xiaomi A

In addition, this fantastic bicycle has up to four different modes of power delivery , thus allowing us to adjust its performance in relation to our needs or the type of route in which we use it.

La bicicleta eléctrica de Xiaomi vuelve a estar 340 euros más barata en Amazon. Noticias Xiaomi A

For the rest, the Xiaomi Smart Electric Folding Bike has LED lighting , both in its front and in the back and an on-board computer equipped with a screen from which we can view all kinds of information.

The entry The Xiaomi electric bicycle is once again at half price on Amazon was published first in xiaomist: Xiaomi news and news website


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