The best of Black Friday: The Xiaomi Mi Band 6 for only 24 euros

Amazon and AliExpress continue to give us great discounts on Xiaomi products for Black Friday . An example of this is the Xiaomi Mi Band 6 , which from tomorrow we can buy almost half the price.

For only 24.29 euros we can buy the Xiaomi Mi Band 6 in AliExpress using the code 2BFMI9 . In addition, when it is sold in AliExpress Plaza, the shipment is made from Spain, with a two-year guarantee.

Xiaomi Mi Band 6, so are its characteristics

The Xiaomi Mi Band 6 is characterized by having an all-screen design. On this occasion, Xiaomi has chosen to incorporate a 1.56-inch AMOLED screen with a pixel density of up to 326ppp.

The Xiaomi Mi Band 6 NFC lands in Europe but you can only pay if you have an account in these banks. News Xiaomi

In addition, the Xiaomi Mi Band 6 adds an automatic feedback system capable of detecting up to 6 different activities among the 30 total sports practices that it allows us to monitor.

Beyond this, the Xiaomi Mi Band 6 has a blood oxygen saturation monitor and an autonomy of up to 14 days thanks to its integrated 125mAh battery. For 34.99 euros, do you know another smart bracelet that is more?

The entry The best of Black Friday: The Xiaomi Mi Band 6 for only 24 euros was published first in xiaomist: Xiaomi news and news website


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