Tariff hit on Black Friday: LTE Unlimited for 15 euros - can be canceled monthly

Tariff hit on Black Friday: LTE Unlimited for 15 euros - can be canceled monthly

At Mobilcom Debitel you will find a really good offer for Black Friday if you want to surf unlimited on your mobile device. You can get the CO2 tariff "Free Unlimited Smart" for only 14.99 euros per month. Compared to the normal price, this corresponds to a saving of over 60 percent. xiaomist has the details.

Unlimited LTE data volume for 14.99 euros - can be canceled monthly

Mobilcom-Debitel has an interesting tariff deal in store in the run-up to Black Friday. You get the "o2 Free Unlimited Smart" tariff , which includes unlimited LTE data volume, an Allnet and SMS flat rate, for 14.99 euros per month. Instead of paying 39.99 euros a month at o2, it is only around 15 euros. So you save over 60 percent and have an all-round carefree package. The mobile phone tariff can also be canceled on a monthly basis , so you don't have to be tied to a contract for several years. The offer is valid until November 29, 2021 (11:59 p.m.) .

The details of the tariff at a glance:

Provider: Mobilcom-Debitel network o2 Allnet- and SMS-Flat Unlimited LTE data volume EU Roaming inclusive fee per month (up to 10 Mbit / sec.): 14.99 euros (34.99 euros from 25 months) Monthly terminable One-time provision fee: 39.99 euros Data automatic: no

For 14.99 euros a month, you can surf the net carefree and unlimited for two years. Of course you are a bit limited with 10 Mbit / s, but that shouldn't be a big problem. For everyday surfing, gaming, watching videos and streaming music, the speed is sufficient in most cases. If the mobile internet is still too slow for you, you can get out of the tariff at any time. However, you should definitely cancel after 2 years at the latest, because then it will be quite expensive at 34.99 euros per month.

You can find out why you should cancel your mobile phone contract immediately in this short video :

Unlimited tariff for 15 euros a month: For whom is the deal worthwhile?

For everyone who pays a fixed monthly fee and doesn't want to worry about the mobile data volume. There is simply no limit here, so you can do without WiFi at home. If 10 Mbit / s is enough, you can save a lot of money with the current offer from Mobilcom-Debitel.


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