WhatsApp surprisingly turns off blue ticks - with good reason

WhatsApp surprisingly turns off blue ticks - with good reason

An important innovation has been quietly introduced in WhatsApp, which concerns the blue tick as read confirmation for messages. Many have already noticed the problem, but the change actually only implements something that was long overdue.

WhatsApp turns off blue ticks for voice messages

Perhaps some of you have already noticed. An important change has been quietly made to WhatsApp . Up until now, blue ticks were always displayed for voice messages as soon as the message was received and listened to. In this way, the sender could see directly whether the recipient had listened to the message - even if the read receipts were actually deactivated . That is exactly what has now changed . WhatsApp has not completely switched off the blue tick for voice messages, but has equated them with normal messages.

Accordingly, what applies to text messages now applies to voice messages. If you have deactivated the read receipt with the blue tick, you will no longer receive a read receipt from your contacts . So if you have deactivated the read receipt, but want to see the blue tick for voice messages again, then you have to reactivate the read receipt on your account. But then the other person must also have activated the read receipt. The blue ticks only reappear if both parties have activated the function. xiaomist explains how this works in this article.

In this video you get the best WhatsApp tricks:

WhatsApp is planning further changes

A lot has been happening on WhatsApp lately. Although the new terms of use continue to cause controversy, a feature that has long been desired will soon be implemented. WhatsApp will make it possible to use one account on multiple devices . The function is still in development, but the chances are very good that we won't have to wait too long for it. xiaomist will inform you when the time comes.


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