Google manager reveals: that s why the Pixel 6 is so special

Google manager reveals: that s why the Pixel 6 is so special

Just in time for the launch of the new Pixel 6 (Pro), Google's Rick Osterloh and Sundar Pichai gave an extensive interview. In it, the two explain what makes the new Google phone so unique.

Google: It doesn't get any better than the Pixel 6

With the Pixel 6 and the better equipped Pro version, Google has presented two interesting smartphones . After the last mobile phones from Google couldn't keep up with the top, the performance of the Pixel 6 (Pro) is good again. In contrast to the flagships from Apple and Samsung, the prices are also kept within reasonable limits.

At the launch of the smartphone, which is extremely important for Google, Rick Osterloh and Sundar Pichai met for a lengthy interview with The Verge. Here the two explain what makes the Pixel 6 so special. According to Osterloh, it is a cell phone in its "best possible form", in which everything simply comes together.

There is more about the Google mobile phone in the video :

There are significant differences compared to the competition: "The most important thing is that it really is a clear representation of the Google brand. We try to provide the best possible Google experience. We achieve this by bringing all of our services that many people use together in one cohesive user experience on Android 12 and the beautiful new Material UI. "

Innovations in the Pixel 6 are mainly to be found in the field of artificial intelligence . Users will find this especially in photography, video recordings and the significantly improved speech recognition (source: The Verge)

Google: Next event is coming "very soon"

When presenting the Pixel 6, Osterloh mentioned that they will see each other "very soon" . So maybe another innovation will come up this year. This could be Android 12.1 or maybe even a foldable Pixel phone. With the "Pixel Watch" we will have to wait a little longer.


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