{Disarmed} Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 Teardown [Video]

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 5G

With the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3, I have now made Zack from the YouTube channel JerryRigEverything, the manufacturer's latest foldable smartphone. And we can catch a glimpse of the inside of the device again. This time it will be exciting to see how Samsung has further improved the folding mechanism.

The Z Flip 3 is a clamshell foldable. With a foldable screen in the middle, it can be turned into a pocket-sized square. Unfortunately, the device is then twice as thick as conventional smartphones.

It's amazing how complicated such a foldable smartphone is. All the components of a "normal" smartphone have to fit in here, and you have to remember that you can still fold everything. If you look at the foldable main display you know how complicated it is.

So if you want to take a look inside the device, you have the opportunity to do so in the following video. Have fun!

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The post Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 Teardown [Video] first appeared on xiaomist's blog .

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