{Disarmed} Samsung: Final Android 12 / One UI 4 update is coming this year

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Android 12 with the new One UI 4 user interface is currently being tested extensively on the Samsung Galaxy S21 series. Samsung users are undoubtedly wondering when they can expect the final update on their devices. But we still have to be patient a little longer.

In a Samsung forum post, a moderator has now revealed some information about the stable rollout of One UI 4. In response to users asking about the release, he states that the update is still in development, making it difficult to say exactly when users can expect it. A rollout this year is quite possible, they say.

"Android 12 (One UI 4) is currently being developed for the Galaxy S21 and the situation is constantly changing, making it difficult to give a clear answer. We are working actively with the KT operators and it is likely that it will be possible by December at the latest. "

Samsung forum moderator

Of course, this should be treated with caution until an official announcement by Samsung is made, but a market launch in December is quite possible. One UI 3 has been rolled out on the devices since December 2020.

Meanwhile, a list of Samsung models that can count on the final Android 12 update has also emerged. Very extensive, but certainly not yet final.


The article Samsung: Final Android 12 / One UI 4 Update is coming this year first appeared on xiaomist's blog .

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